College Crest and Motto

Lucet et Ardet (Shine to Enkindle)
The shield-like design above is the Crest of the College. It contains the motto which is the goal of this College.
In the right half of the Crest are seen three soaring eagles asking one not to be satisfied with mediocrity but aim truly high in intellectual, physical and spiritual development; there is, besides, the leaping lion symbolic of the vigour and boldness one must cultivate.
To the left half of the Crest is the sun shining over the mountains unto the Arabian Sea. Every student who passes through the portals of this Institution must be like the sun, illumining and contributing to the growth of the people of this land.
In the centre of the rising sun are letters IHS. This is the abbreviation of the name of Jesus (which in Greek is written as IHSUS). That name is symbolic of the deepest faith in God, commitment to people and readiness to sacrifice everything, even one’s life for others.
The Motto in the crest is Lucet et Ardet. These Latin words which mean it shines and burns refer to the mind and heart. It is the desire of the Alma Mater to present to our nation and to the world, men and women shining bright with knowledge and creativity and hearts burning with genuine love and concern for others.
May your life measure up to the expectation of this Motto