
Rev Dr Praveen Martis SJ

SAEC a dream of Fr Mathew Lewis SJ, then rector of St Aloysius College, a man gifted with rare combination of vision and mission; courage and commitment, was indeed an answer to the long felt need of the working people of Mangalore. If Fr Mathew dreamed it was Fr Stany Vas SJ who shouldered the responsibility initially, as the first principal, a man of cheerful disposition and warmth for the poor, made the dream come true as the College was formally inaugurated on 18 December, 1966 and started to function.

The service to the working classes, who, by force of circumstances have to learn while they earn and others, who cannot pursue their studies due to want of funds, is the unique contribution of this College. However if you see the annals of this College, one notices that quality is not compromised here; students are provided with quality education and everything it implies: good teachers, excellent facilities and co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities. The noteworthy point is that students have positively responded to the vision of the Institution.  They have made the Alma Mater feel happy and proud with not only good results but also with many other accomplishments.
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