About the College
In 1966, St Aloysius College was given permission by Mysore University to start to an evening college for providing tuitions in the faculties of Arts and Commerce, at pre-university level.For many who had to drop out from their regular education and take up jobs, the evening college allowed them to continue with their education and progress in their careers. For the 160 seats available in the first year, 200 applications came in.One year later, the B.Com. Degree course was introduced. This was also the year that the evening college was thrown open to women students. As it was difficult to run the B.A. and B. Com. classes simultaneously, it was a policy to admit students to the first year B.A and first year B. Com. classes in alternate years. This policy was done away with in 1971, largely due to the pressure of the students. Admissions to both the Arts and Commerce degree courses happened every year.The college has had an impressive academic record. Though the percentage of results and the number of ranks a college secures are not the only criteria to judge the quality of education imparted, the results certainly reflect the efforts put by the students and the staff in a coordinated and systematic manner.The Evening College is performing a very important service to the city of Mangalore and its neighbouring areas by becoming a haven to hundreds of men and women of this city and neighborhood, who would otherwise be denied the opportunity of collegiate education. The credit also goes to the students who after a grueling work day are enthusiastic and active participants in the rigorous class room instruction for nearly three more hours.
Aims and Objectives of the College
In keeping with the traditions of the Society of Jesus which runs this Institution and in keeping with the spirit and the needs of the times in which we live, the College aims at the integral formation of its students helping them to become men and women for and with others: Through striving after excellence in learning, creative and practical thinking and co-operative leadership, with a stress on both academic excellence and human excellence Inspired by genuine religious and moral valuesWith a practical awareness of the prevailing social conditions with commitment to the cause of justice
Thus an Aloysian
- has a commitment to justice
- acts from a strong self-concept
- thinks critically and creatively
- communicates effectively
- exercises power appropriately
- cultivates a positive sense of direction
- evokes hope
Your education in this Institution will be meaningful only to the extent you personalize and strive after these goals. All that the College can do is to assist you to realize your hidden potential, be a partner with you in the task of integral personality-building, where your faculties and qualities will find harmonious development. This entails development in a three-fold sphere: intellectual, physical and spiritual.